
Respiratory Investigation お知らせ

Unmarked revised manuscriptの提出について投稿規定を変更しました

Unmarked revised manuscriptの提出について下記のとおり投稿規定が変更になりました。

この改定により、査読後の再投稿時、著者にunmarked revised manuscriptを提出していただくことになります。

●Guide for Authors: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/respiratory-investigation/2212-5345/guide-for-authors



Revision of manuscript

Revisions must be submitted electronically through Editorial Manager within one month in case of minor revision and three months in case of major revision. (If a revision is not submitted within these time frames, the manuscript should be submitted as a new submission.) A revision must include the following:
A response to the comments document:
The document requires point-by-point responses to comments made by reviewers and the editor. Each comment must be reproduced verbatim and in its entirety, followed by the detailed response, and be preceded by the word " COMMENT" in boldface type. Each response should be preceded by the word "RESPONSE" in non-boldface type. Indicate in each response where relevant changes were made in the manuscript, or explain why no changes would be appropriate. An example of this document may be found on this web site:
A marked revised manuscript:
A complete version of a revised manuscript in which all corrections and changes that differ from the original manuscript are indicated, must be included for the sake of reviewers and editors. The preferred method of indicating changes is the Microsoft Word Track Changes tool. If this tool is unavailable, an alternate method would be that all text added to the original should be underlined, and all text removed from the original should be indicated by strikeover deletions.
Tables and Figures:
Any table or figure that was part of the original submission but that has been changed and marked should be provided as an individual file separate from other tables and files (for example, Table 2
- Marked / Figure 1 - Marked). Any changes made to any of the originals should be indicated in a response to the comments document, described above.

• An Unmarked Revised Manuscript:The document intended for publication, once accepted, should be the unmarked revised manuscript just as the author intends it for publication. All unmarked tables and figures intended as part of the revised manuscript should be provided as separate unmarked files (for example, Table 2 - Unmarked /Figure 1 - Unmarked).